Stomach Pain

our dairy foods are polluted with Salmonella and Shigella bacteria. It is impossible to operate a dairy without getting some cow manure into the milk. Although udder wash contains antiseptic it does not kill all manure bacteria. Later, when milk is pasteurized, many heat sensitive bacteria are killed like the “friendly” streps and staphs, but not all the harmful Salmonellas and Shigellas. Some survive to colonize the milk, then later infect the consumer. Only milk that is sterilized is safe. A commercial source of sterilized (safe) milk can sometimes be found on the shelf (unrefrigerated). If it had any bacteria, it would not survive shelf life for more than one day!

You may not notice any discomfort from drinking milk, buttermilk, or eating yogurt without sterilizing it. Your stomach acids may be strong enough to kill them, or your liver able to strain them out of your body fluids and dump them, dead, into your bile ducts. or they may live quietly in some part of the

bowel where you feel no effects. Sterilize all your dairy foods by heating at the boiling point for 10 seconds, even if you have no symptoms.

If you are intolerant of milk it doesn’t mean that you are lactase deficient, but that you are unable to kill any Salmonellas and Shigellas. These, in turn, can make you lactase deficient via frequent diarrheas. You can correct this situation by not eating any more bacteria. Give your body clean food, as intended by nature. Don’t eat any deli foods, don’t eat salad bar food or res­taurant food unless it has been baked or cooked. Never eat chicken or red meat at restaurants. They are not thoroughly cooked.

As soon as a new abdominal pain or discomfort, or a gassy condition appears, zap bacteria and try to eliminate your bowel contents. Use the herb, Cascara sagrada (follow directions on label) as a laxative, or Epsom salts if necessary. Also start the Bowel Program (page 546).

If you have chronic abdominal problems, make sure you eliminate the bowel contents two or three times a day. There are herbs that can kill enteric bacteria, known to our ancestors of various cultures. Echinacea was a treasured herb of American Indians. Goldenseal is another favorite. Turmeric can kill E. coli and some Shigellas. Fennel can also kill some. But a single dose of Black Walnut Tincture Extra Strength seems to do the most. Make it yourself if possible (see Recipes, page 543).

If your body has lost its ability to kill Salmonellas and Shi­gellas, all the antibiotics and herbs and good bowel habits can­not protect you from these ubiquitous bacteria. You could ask how you lost your natural protection from them. There is evi­dence that common antibiotics that kill Streptococcus and Staphylococcus varieties are responsible.

A fraction of your bowel bacteria should be the friendly Strep. lactis and Staph. epidermidis. After repeated doses of penicillin-like antibiotics (that you may be taking for your strep throat) they are eradicated along with the “bad” Strep. pneumo­niae bug. No amount of acidophilus culture (which contains ac­tive Lactobacillus) can replace these Streps or Staphs.

In mice, it takes a million Salmonella bacteria to start an in­fection. After giving them streptomycin, it only took 10 bacteria to infect them![9] Your intestines are similarly handicapped after antibiotics, and allow even very small amounts of Salmonella and Shigella to escape and multiply!

Try to get some natural killing power back. This means im­proving the stomach’s ability to produce acid and the liver’s ability to make bile. In turn, this means getting the toxins out of the stomach and cleaning the liver. Certain toxins accumulate in the stomach when the liver and kidneys can’t keep up with elimination. Arsenic is a prominent stomach toxin. Get all sources of arsenic removed. Freon is another stomach toxin. Switch to a non-Freon containing refrigerator.

The metals from dentalware: mercury, silver, copper, thal­lium, first are swallowed and then land in the stomach. Clean up your dentalware. Toxins you inhale such as asbestos, formalde­hyde, fiberglass, also are coughed up and swallowed to accu­mulate in the stomach. Test for them and clean up your environment. Any stomach can recover a significant part of its function by cleaning it up. Even though you regain your tolerance toward minute bits of filth in dairy products, do not go back to unsterilized milk products.