Psoriasis, Eczema

Psoriasis and eczema are both caused by Ascaris. Their molting chemicals are quite allergenic; perhaps it is these that are affecting the skin. since pets pick these worms up daily, there is chronic reinfection in families with pets. Keep zapping.

Bernadette McNutt, 34, had acne on her back, chest and face. She had been treated since teen age with ultraviolet light, Retin A, and antibiotics. She already had a history of shingles and fungus, two more skin conditions. Her skin was toxic with strontium and her kidneys had cadmium, silver and beryllium deposits inhibiting ex­cretion. She had only one parasite, extremely high levels of Tri — chinella. Her children were also infected as was the cat. In spite of using parasite herbs for months she got no improvement until the baby was out of diapers. Then she cleared up.

Royce Hamilton, 17, had acne so dense on his face there was no good spot the size of a dime anywhere. He had it about one year. His urinalysis showed “amorphous” crystals (stones of all kinds) and a trace of protein. He had Trichinella worms throughout his organs. He was very fatigued. He was started on kidney herbs so there would be good excretion after killing the Trichinella. His thyroid and kidneys were full of zirconium and titanium from all the lotions he used for his skin. He didn’t need deodorant. Evidently even his armpit bacteria had been affected. It took four months to clear his Trichinella although there were no young children or pets in the house. His face was beginning to heal, but three months later he had a recurrence, although his parent was not a carrier. After this, he cleared it up again and his face looked as beautiful as a child’s.

Evan Knight, 36, had psoriasis at elbows and knees from age 9 but now it was spreading to his fingers and scalp. He occasionally had bronchitis and puffy eyelids, indicative of Ascaris but at the time of his visit he had Trichinella fluke stages and Echinostomum in his skin. He was started on the parasite program and in three weeks it was clearing instead of advancing. He switched to milk for his beverage to raise his immunity and removed the arsenic, formaldehyde and thulium (from his vitamin C) by doing the necessary cleanups.

Gerry Chastain, 41, had a red nose, erupted along the sides. He had been on sulfa drugs and Emycin.™ He had Leishmania tropica.

He killed it in the office with a frequency generator and got imme­diate improvement but four weeks later it was back. He had four solvents built up in his body: benzene, TCE, TC Ethylene and hexanedione. This situation would make recovery impossible since he was no doubt reinfecting himself. He also had titanium, platinum and silver accumulated in his tissues and needed to replace his dentalware before expecting a permanent cure.

Floyd Oldham, 50s, was getting pimples on his nose. His whole face was red and flushed looking. His bowels were loose and he had some urinary urgency. He harbored two kinds of Leishmania (bra — ziliensis and tropica). He killed the Leishmanias with a frequency generator and started himself on the kidney herb program. Five weeks later the pimples were gone but general redness had

reappeared. The Leishmanias were still gone but this time he was toxic with cobalt.

Cobalt is known to promote skin cancers and also heart dis­ease. This was discovered decades ago when an outbreak of heart disease occurred in England. It was traced to a pub (where they all partook) where cobalt was added to the beer to make the foam rise higher! In fact, the foam will just stay in place like a hairdo, if you add cobalt. It was made an illegal additive. Gradually, it has crept back into consumer’s products: first toilet cake (blue), then window washer (blue), then dishwasher deter­gent, and now even mouthwash. If you see a blue colored prod­uct, stay away from it. It accumulates in the heart and skin. People with skin cancers often have cobalt build up.

Floyd stopped using all these products and cleared up again.

Grethe Driscoll, middle aged, wore tons of make up, so skillfully applied that scars from a face lift could never be detected. When she had minor breakouts, which usually occurred while away on a trip, it seemed like a catastrophe. She tried everything available but could not get to her parasite herbs until she was back home several weeks later. After one week on them (5 day high dose plus maintenance) her complexion was perfect again.

Crofton Thornton, 15, had an embarrassing case of acne. He had As­caris, hookworm and Strongyloides (he also had migraines) all re­acting in the skin. He stopped drinking commercial beverages that gave him solvents. He killed parasites electronically and with herbs and got a considerable improvement. But he still had Strongyloides one month later. Nevertheless, he had seen the connection and he knew it was just a matter of persistence to a clear complexion.

Note, he should have had Trichinella—did I miss testing for it?