Brushing Teeth

Buy a new toothbrush. Your old one is soaked with toxins from your old toothpaste. Use only water or chemically pure baking soda if you have any metal fillings. Put a pinch in a glass, add water to dissolve it. Use food-grade hydrogen peroxide (see Sources) if you have only plastic fillings. Dilute it from 35% to 17V% by adding water (equal parts). Store hydrogen peroxide only in polyethylene or the original plastic bottle. Use 4 or 5 drops on your toothbrush. It should fizz nicely as oxygen is produced in your mouth. Your teeth will whiten noticeably in 6 months. Before brushing teeth, floss with 4 or 2 pound mon­ofilament fish line. Double it and twist for extra strength. Rinse before use. Floss and brush only once a day. If this leaves you uncomfortable, brush the extra times with plain water and a second “water-only” toothbrush. Make sure that nothing solid, like powder, is on your toothbrush; it will scour the enamel and give you sensitive teeth, especially as you get older and the enamel softens. Salt is corrosive—don’t use it for brushing metal teeth. Plain water is just as good.

For Dentures

Use salt water. It kills all germs and is inexpensive. Salt water plus grain alcohol or food-grade hydrogen peroxide makes a good denture-soak.


A few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide added to a little water in a glass should be enough to make your mouth foam and cleanse. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide, though, if you have metal fillings, because they react. Don’t use regular drug store variety hydrogen peroxide because it contains toxic additives. Health food store varieties contain solvents from the bottling process. see Sources. Never purchase hydrogen peroxide in a bottle with a metal cap.

For persons with metal tooth fillings, use chemically pure baking soda or just plain hot water. A healthy mouth has no odor! You shouldn’t need a mouthwash! If you have breath odor, search for a hidden tooth infection or cavitation.

Contact Lens Solution

A scant cup of cold tap water brought to a boil in glass saucepan. After adding H tsp. aluminum free salt and boiling again, pour into a sterile canning jar. Refrigerate. Freeze some of it.

Lip Soother

For dry, burning lips. Heat 1 level tsp. sodium alginate plus 1 cup water until dissolved. After cooling, pour it into a small bottle to carry in your purse or pocket (refrigerate the remain­der). Dab it on whenever needed. If the consistency isn’t right for you, add water or boil it down further. You can make a better lip soother by adding some lysine from a crushed tablet, vitamin С powder, and a vitamin E capsule to the alginate mix. If you have a persistent problem with chapped lips, try going off citrus juice.

Foot Powder

Use a mixture of cornstarch and zinc oxide poured into a salt shaker with a lid. Add long rice grains to fight humidity. You may also try arrow root or potato starch. If you don’t have zinc oxide use plain cornstarch.

Skin Healer Moisturizer Lotion

1 tsp. sodium alginate

1 cup water

Make the base first by heating these together in a covered, non-metal pan until completely dissolved. Use low heat-it will take over an hour. Use a wooden spoon handle to stir. Set aside. Then make the following mixture:

% tsp. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (You may crush tablets)

% tsp. lysine (crush tablets)

2 tbs. pure vegetable glycerin

2 vitamin E capsules (400 units or more, each)

1 tsp. apricot kernel oil (olive oil will do)

1 tbs. lemon juice from a lemon or % tsp. citric acid (this is optional)

1 cup water

Heat the water to steaming in a non-metal pan. Add vitamin С and lysine first and then everything else. Pour into a pint jar and shake to mix. Then add the sodium alginate base to the desired thickness (about equal amounts) and shake. Pour some into a small bottle to use as lip soother. Pour some into a larger bottle to dispense on skin. store remainder in refrigerator. (see Sources for sodium alginate, vegetable glycerin and apricot ker­nel oil. Sodium alginate is also available in capsule form at some health food stores.)

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